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Network Storage

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More functions, more service, more benefits.

After discontinuing our own NAS systems, we transferred the functions of the MOBOTIX
NAS to the established systems from QNAP. Choose a QNAP NAS according to your
individual requirements and use it as a fully-fledged MOBOTIX NAS, but including full
manufacturer support. All you need is a MOBOTIX NAS license key and the QVR Pro app for QNAP NAS.


• Additional channel licences for further cameras
• Full use of the extensive QNAP apps such as Back-Up , Recovery Anti Virus, Monitoring
• Apps, Apache Webserver etc.
• Latest QTS / QVR Pro software with full range of functions and adaptation to current hardware requirements
• Use of individual QNAP NAS models
• High-performance recording of IoT cameras via Samba
• Always up-to-date with the latest QNAP firmware and security updates
• Existing MOBOTIX NAS systems can be converted.
Turn a QNAP NAS from the open market into a fully-fledged MOBOTIX NAS system!

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